Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Journal 4/5 My Imaginary Restaurant

I recently just opened up an awesome Japanese-style noodle bar/restaurant called Sasuke Sake Soba Bar. The restaurant isn't extremely big since it mostly looks like a traditional Japanese Ramen Bar that's pretty long and not that wide, but it has a nice traditional Japanese atmosphere that looks incredibly calm and soothing. The restaurant serves all kinds of Japanese-style noodles, from Japan's traditional udon and ramen noodle soups to yakisoba and stir fry. Not only are there noodles, but we also serve Curry and steamed rice, many kinds of sushi and fish, okonomiyaki, gyudon, different kinds of katsu, and sake. We don't have many chefs or workers here, but all our chefs know how to make the most traditional Japanese cuisine without making it seem Americanized. We also have something pretty unique for an American restaurant that's fairly common in Japanese noddle bars: a machine by the enterance where you pay for a ticket of the foods and drinks you want. You hand that ticket to the bartender, and they'll serve your food pretty quickly and with no bills required.

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